Bicycle Rage is a Good Thing
I ride my bicycle to work most days and have over the last 3 months or so been the victim of bicycle rage several times, the normal result is a lot of beeping and swearing. This morning was another such incident and it followed the normal pattern, I do something perfectly legal and reasonable and some idiot loses it at the apparent indiscretion. Now, most people know that the safest place for a bike at the lights is right out the front of traffic in the bicycle waiting box specially marked on the road. NOT THIS WOMAN! She was driving one of those V8 Caprice limo things that take Emirates business class passengers to the airport and had decided to be a bit sneaky in the soon- to-be-blocked left lane and try to race in front of the traffic. Once I parked myself right in her way, ruining her best laid plans, she saw red and proceeded to beep her horn the entire rest of the lights sequence and eventually zoom past me, but not before I gave her a spray of expletives through her open window.
Normally you'd expect to feel upset by this, not me, I've noticed the more I get raged the more I can yell back, and the more relaxed I feel. You can't beat the feeling of morning exercise and calling a complete stranger a f*cking d*ckhead. It's fantastic! I'm starting to hope people get annoyed at me in the morning so I can yell at someone and feel that euphoria. What's even better is that in this modern sprawling Melbourne there's no telling where these losers live, could be Mentone, Cranbourne, hell even Safety Beach, so you can spray away without the fear of running into them at the shops.
Who would have thought modern anonymity and bicycle rage would actually make me a more relaxed person?

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